enjoy free local courier for non-frozen orders $60 & above and frozen orders $100 & above


we're stocked at the following retailers 
paws legend
#01-277, 664 yishun avenue 4
singapore 760664
monday - sunday, 9am - 5pm
    what's available
    • chicken jerky/small bites/sprinkle
    • pork jerky/sprinkle
    • salmon bites/sprinkle
    • chicken/pork pawp noodles
    peaches pet
    #01-03, 5 tank road, nagarathar building
    singapore 238061
    monday - sunday, 9am - 6pm
      what's available
      • chicken jerky/small bites
      • beef tripe
      • pork jerky
      • salmon bites
      puppyland/paw palace
      285 tanjong katong road
      singapore 437068
      monday - friday, 12pm - 6pm | saturday - sunday, 12pm - 7pm
        what's available
        • chicken jerky/small bites
        • beef bites
        • duck jerky
        • pork bites/jerky
        • salmon bites
        studio fluff
        #01-1287, 607 ang mo kio avenue 4
        singapore 560706
        monday - sunday, 11am - 7:30pm | closed on thursday
        what's available
        • chicken small bites
        • beef snuffle mix
        • duck jerky
        • pork bites/jerky
        • salmon bites
        the oasis
        #01-08, block 2, 6 tampines street 92
        singapore 528893
        monday - sunday, 11am - 8pm
        what's available
        • chicken small bites
        • duck snuffle mix
        • pork snuffle mix
        • salmon bites
        • udderly amoosing collection
        the weekend groomers
        #01-314, 625 elias road, elias mall
        singapore 510625
        closed on thursday & public holidays
        what's available
        • chicken jerky/small bites
        • beef bites
        • pork jerky
        • salmon bites
        if you're interested to retail our stocks, do drop us a dm on instagram @sayhoy.co or email at sayhoy.co@gmail.com